Thursday, May 22, 2014

5 about to be awe! - by Eric

Overwhelmed. That's my answer when asked how I'm doing after the first three weeks of having our precious Sheldon with us. Not a stressed, frantic overwhelmed; more like a goofy grin, eye-brows raised, "Are you sure you think we can handle this?" kind of overwhelmed. Life is good- crazy, yes, but good.  We feel God's presence and His leading and that is honestly the absolute only reason why the overwhelmed, inadequate, 'how in the world' feeling doesn't swamp us. Sheldon is a treasure and we are eternally grateful (and humbled) God led us to each other.

The overwhelmed feeling began the day we left to get Sheldon. A couple hours before we got on the train we get the call that unofficially Beijing has agreed to allow us to adopt Pierce. An immediate deluge of tears and prayers was released as our family (and the student who happened to be at our apartment) fell to our knees in blubbering worship and thanksgiving. Two weeks later, the day we arrive back at our apartment with Sheldon, we got the call that Beijing had officially given Pierce's file (the file the orphanage said they would never start) to our agency. God's timing is perfect- and humorous! More than a year of "no" and "no way" had finally given way to "yes!" God has changed hearts and moved mountains. We are overwhelmed by His grace, provision, and presence. And yet, we are also overwhelmed at the reality of doubling our boy-load in the span of just a few months and the prospect of coming up with $15,000 in the next 3 months.

We'll be picking Pierce up and bringing him home around the end of August or beginning of September.  Please, please surround all 6 of us in prayer. If you are in a position to help provide the money for the adoption please, please consider sending it our way. Or, if you know of any organizations or churches who have adoption grants please, please let us know.  We are fully confident of God's leading us to adopt these two boys in the span of just a few months, yet we are overwhelmed- by His provision and plan, and by the weight of it all.

Grace and peace to you from the Davenport clan!

If you'd like to contribute you can send a check made payable to "Lifesong for Ophans" (in the memo write: Davenport family-3956) and mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744
OR you can give online: . Select 'Give to an adoptive family'. Complete the online form and fill in 3956 for the 'Family account number' and Davenport for 'family name'. 

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