Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This is it! by Tiffany

This is the letter we have been waiting to write!   We received notification that we have been granted final travel approval by China to go and get Eli!  It is official!  We will be picking him up on April 21st! 

So, so much waiting and now it is here and just right around the corner!  It is hard to wrap our minds around it honestly.  As a family we have prayed and watched God work through others and learned and worked and saved and read and practiced sign language and readied his room and so on, but when are you “ready” for such a huge change that takes place practically overnight? 

As I grow older, it seems like every day I grow more and more aware of my shortcomings – my inadequacies in and of myself.  And yet each day I feel like I also learn more and more about His grace and sufficiency for me - His mercy and overwhelming love just because He is good.  I know we will face many things on this journey, but I know that God’s faithful promise to always walk with us will hold true and He will be enough. 

We will take it one day at a time - loving Eli, learning with him and following God’s lead.  He brought us to this journey and I believe wholeheartedly that He will continue to lead and provide. 

Thank you all for your loving prayers.  They are both humbling and encouraging and God is faithfully answering.  Please add praying specifically for little Eli about his upcoming change.  Although this change will be a blessing for him, it will also cause yet another loss in his life for him to have to work through.   And in his short 7 years, he has already lost so much.   First major loss was when he was left in a train station at two and a half years old.   At that time, he was sent to a foster family where he stayed for a few months but then he was made to transfer to a foster care center.  I am not certain why, possibly because of the needs that being deaf presents, but at 5 (almost 6) he was required to move yet again to his current foster care center.  This center has become his “home” and the nannies there and the other children have become his family – they are what he knows and he will miss them.  

Thankfully we have a God who is a healer, because Eli’s little heart will need much mending. 

Psalm 147:3  He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 30:2  O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.

Praise God that He is able to do more than all we ask or imagine!

Blessings to you all~

Love, Tiffany