Tuesday, September 16, 2014

One Journey Ends and Another Begins- Eric

After a wonderful summer crisscrossing America visiting family and friends we are about to settle back into life in China.  We return to a life and place that has become home for us, although home will be different this year.  As planned, Deryk, Tiffany, Hannah, Ayden, and Eli have moved back to America.  The "Pritch" portion of team Pritchport will be dearly missed. We're so thankful for the gift of the past two years.  They are such a special family and such dear friends.  May God bless your new beginning and may He fill your lives with His presence in new and exciting ways!  We love you!

Three days after arriving back in Shiyan we will be traveling to Wuhan to get Pierce!  This much anticipated moment will be the culmination of so many prayers and tears.  On Saturday, September 22, 2012 we first laid eyes on him and named him Pierce- because he pierced our hearts. In the physical, all the doors to adoption were firmly closed and it seemed the answer was absolutely "no." Yet we came to realize that in the spiritual the answer was positively "yes" and we would need to simply wait for His timing and His might to move mountains.  As it turns out our "gotcha moment" will be September 22, two years to the day of our first meeting.  We've only seen him a handful of times since that moment but he has been a constant presence in our hearts and prayers.  His little world is about to get rocked but we know that God will continue to fill his heart with His love and enable him to attach with his new family.

This whole process has been a faith stretching, faith strengthening journey.  Our whole family has grown in our reliance and trust in His good, pleasing, and perfect plan. Our God is faithful and our God is powerful! Thank you Father for choosing us for Sheldon and Pierce. And thank you for never leaving us alone but always giving us exactly what we need each step of the way.  As we finally and forever scoop Pierce up into our arms we conclude the journey towards adoption as we simultaneously begin a new journey towards bonding as a family of six.  Thank you for your many prayers along the way!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to continue to hear about your adventures ! :-)
