Monday, February 11, 2013

Jehovah-Jireh (the LORD provides)--Davenport

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers regarding the many doors needing to be opened for our adoption to happen! 
A quick update on how God is making straight paths as we follow His lead down the road toward adoption.  It’s so exciting to watch Him work! 
The initial application required $200.  Brinson and Aiden immediately volunteered to give their allowance for the next year, plus money that they have saved in the bank to cover the expense.  Such precious hearts!  We’re so proud of them.  We love hearing their prayers asking for their brother(s) or sister(s) who is (are) somewhere out there to come home soon.  We know that God hears the powerful prayers of His children.
Being approved financially (our income is in yuan and doesn’t convert into a very large American number) was something we weren’t quite sure about.  However, we discovered that the housing, utilities, and health insurance we are provided with are also included in the bottom line. So after getting a letter from our university we have been approved financially and are now awaiting the official acceptance!   
The next step involves paying just under $5,000 (the first of a series of payments).  We’ve continued steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it, knowing that God would provide and that there would be reason for thanksgiving soon.  We didn’t know where God was going to come up with the money but we were at peace knowing that He had it all worked out.  Late last night we received word that someone dear to us received an unexpected $5,000 bonus and that the Spirit strongly urged them to put it towards our adoption. Wow!  The only stipulation was for it to remain anonymous so that Jehovah-Jireh (the LORD who provides) would receive all the honor. 
Please continue to pray for the cutting of red tape and for the protection of our little one(s).  We continue to follow your lead Father…..

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