Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Adoption Update - by Tiffany

After we found out that our agency could not get Gary’s file and we would not be able to adopt him, I began praying that God would show us what He wanted us to learn from this and with much certainty, I began to see just how much I had been “leaning on my own understanding”.  I was taking so much comfort in what I knew and in what I could see – Gary’s personality, his disability and his disposition.  When the “known” was taken away, I found myself fearing the unknown and then I realized it was not God I was leaning on. Although that was hard, it was what was needed – God is good to give us what we need.

So we began to pray and ask God where to go from here.  What happened little by little in the two months that followed were beautiful reminders of God’s faithful leading as we saw His fingerprints  on situation after situation.   He led our hearts, brought us all on the same page, encouraged us through others that didn't even know they were being used by God and did it all in His gentle, loving, yet powerful way. 

We are now in the process of trying to adopt a little 7 year old boy named Huihuang (hway-hwang).  We should know within a week or so if his file has been secured by our agency and matched with ours.   He is a precious little boy who our agency has told us is very playful, eager to learn and in need of reassuring love.  We look forward to meeting him and giving him unconditional love that he can count on – the kind of love that God gives us and makes us able to give to others.  Huihuang is deaf, so we are all eagerly beginning to learn sign language; and God has already provided beautiful resources through a dear family friend who signs!  He is so good!  

We will continue to keep you posted!  Thank you so very much for your prayers~


Adoption update--Davenport

So, do you want the long version or the short version?  How bout both?   :) 

Short version:  We are pursuing the adoption of 2 little guys from China, ages 6 & 5.  One is Hu MingTao (Sheldon) and the second is Shi Chun (Pierce).  We should be able to pick up Sheldon around April and Pierce's file has not been started by his orphan*ge yet.  

Long version:  

Upon returning to China from our summer in the states, I went to Pierce’s orphan*ge and found the people in charge to be resistant again to our requests.  We were hopeful that his file would have been started by now but unfortunately it hasn’t.  China often operates within a ‘who you know’ system.  Therefore, G*d has provided two potential contacts in the government that we are prayerful can help us through some of the obstacles we are facing at the orphanage.  From an earthly standpoint, things look bleak.  There is no way this will happen without G*d.  But, He is in control!  We have also not been allowed to visit the children since returning.

When we first began the adoption process we were told that if adopting two children was anywhere on our radar our paperwork must reflect, from the beginning, a desire to pursue two.  We could change our mind from 2 children to one during the process, but not from one child to two.  We’ve talked and prayed about this for some time.  We’re very excited and at peace about expanding our clan from 4 to 6.  Brinson has been praying about 2 nearly every day since February J 

Sheldon is a boy in Langfang (near Beijing).  He recently became available for adoption and I saw his profile on a website (http://reecesrainbow.org/63509/taran). He is spunky, joyful, and energetic.  Additionally, his file was completely ready and waiting.  It also was a file that our agency would have easy access to, which can be rare.  We received an email with his medical history and spoke to some U.S. physicians.  Within a couple of days we made the decision that Sheldon would be a Davenport!  It will be official in paperwork world in one month.  But it is official in our hearts now!  We are thrilled about this little guy joining us in, hopefully April’ish.  The wait is tough. 

Please pray that our governmental contacts will prove beneficial.  Of course, our Heav*nly contact is WAY more powerful than the most powerful official here and we continue to have faith in His plans.